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Standards, Codes and Specifications

The industry's top standards management solution from IHS Markit connects your entire enterprise to the world's largest collection of continuously updated engineering and technical reference documents from nearly 500 standards developing organizations and publishers.


  • Intelligent Search
  • Advanced Search/Research Tools
  • Personalization Tools
  • Watch Lists & Automatic Monitoring


  • Reduce cost and risk due to noncompliance, including loss of sales and market share
  • Improve time to market by empowering R&D and engineering to do their job, not waste time searching for and researching standards
  • Guarantee quality by ensuring consistent use of standards to meet customer and market requirements
  • Ensure user adoption with ease of platform deployment, training and support with our worldwide network of customer care professionals
  • Simplify procurement with single-point standards management solution requiring only one relationship, one negotiation and one transaction

Technical Reference

Knowledge Collections - A comprehensive online library of 36,000+ authoritative engineering and technical reference documents from the leading publishers - aggregated, accessible and curated for you in one place. Expert Index Collection - A comprehensive collection of authoritative engineering and technical reference content, including more than 75 million technical articles, publications, reports, design principles/best practices, and over 100 eBook titles - aggregated and readily accessible in one place, to help engineers, scientists and other technical professionals quickly make the best decisions.


  • Next-generation search technology that extracts answers, not results
  • Full-text search ability and automatic related keyword searching - no need to match search terms exactly to discover answers
  • On-demand virtual subject matter expert guides you through data
  • Faceted filtering by publisher, publication date, author and more
  • Tools to annotate content with project notes and expert commentary, share and bookmark source documents and link directly to answers within them


  • Accelerate research time by up to 30 percent
  • Solve problems faster by looking beyond your industry for answers
  • Increase engineering efficiency by reducing design cycles
  • Reduce errors and other project risks, and ensure compliance
  • Maximize corporate knowledge discovery and retention

Patents & Applications

Patent Solutions - A rich collection of more than 60 million patents and patent applications from key global markets, published in the original languages.


  • Full-text searches and dynamic summaries available in multiple languages
  • Graphical toolset for performing a range of analyses


  • Graphical toolset for performing a range of analyses
  • Understand new markets and prepare successful entry strategies
  • Comply with intellectual property rights
  • Keep pace with competitor companies, including their R&D investments
  • Monitor technology trends
  • Set new trends and drive product/process improvements

Advanced research, problem-solving and analytics

A range of powerful tools, built from the ground up to help engineers and other technical professionals achieve sustainable productivity improvements, solve problems better and faster, and out-innovate the competition.


  • Patented semantic technology that extracts answers from data regardless of location, type or language
  • Problem-solving and ideation tools, including Root Cause Analysis, Value Engineering and TRIZ
  • Access to innovation consultants with broad experience in knowledge management, engineering, product development, materials science and systems deployment


  • Access to innovation consultants with broad experience in knowledge management, engineering, product development, materials science and systems deployment
  • Leverage prior knowledge to avoid repeating past mistakes
  • Accelerate problem solving and idea generation
  • Identify new markets and envision next-generation solutions
  • Gain insight into competitor, technology and market trends