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Engineering Workbench (EWB)

Discover an online platform that simplifies and expedites the process for finding and managing standards and related information. Whether you need a small collection of standards for a single team or enterprise-wide access to standards and related information from hundreds of publishers and internal sources, Engineering Workbench from IHS Markit provides a single source of vetted engineering knowledge.

The industry's top standards management solution, EWB connects your entire enterprise to the world's largest collection of continuously updated engineering and technical reference documents from over 500 standards developing organizations and publishers.

Video introduction EWB

Manage and Optimize Management of Internal Standards and Documentation

Integrate Internal and Industry Engineering Standards with a Single Platform

our engineers, technical professionals, and suppliers utilize internal standards and specifications alongside industry standards. IHS Markit has long provided the premier solutions for industry standards and related documents through Engineering Workbench (EWB). Now you can add your company standards and other internal engineering documentation to the Engineering Workbench with our Internal Standards Management solution. In addition, you can drive cost savings from your highly used standards through our Conformity Assessment services (accreditation, certification, testing, verification, calibration and inspection).

Ensure secure, segmented distribution of your engineering documentation with internal teams and suppliers/contractors

Consistently use the most current and correct company process spec or test procedure, and measure usage by user, team, project, vendor or contractor

Cull unnecessary and out-of-date standards

Adopt industry standards (or portions thereof) where practical for quality or cost reduction

Engineer unnecessary cost out of remaining internal standards or expand the solution space of the standard


For Engineers, Scientists, Researchers and Related Professionals

Discover solutions to technical challenges quickly to accelerate R&D and problem solving, and minimize rework in the design cycle.

For Engineering and Research Program Management

Consolidate information sources to make your engineering teams more efficient and collaborative, while reducing costs and simplifying processes

For Corporate Librarians and Standards Managers

ncrease utilization of knowledge sources and improve relevance of technical answers provided to engineering and R&D teams.

For Executive Management

Deliver new innovations to market faster to grow revenue; increase engineering productivity and prevent redesign/rework to improve profitability; and ensure problems get solved faster to mitigate risks.